Piņķi, March 15, 2024
Dear Association members,
We are pleased to invite you to ISL’s Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) convened by the Board (Director) of the Association “International School of Latvia” (Biedrība “Latvijas Starptautiskā Skola”), registration no. 40008006745, address: Meistaru iela 2, Piņķi, Babītes pag., Mārupes nov., LV-2107 on March 21 at 8:30 – 10:15.
To ensure the maximum possibility for the members to join the meeting the AGM will be held in person at the ISL Media Center as well as online through Zoom.
The Agenda for the AGM
- Director & Council Annual Updates
- Approval of ISL Annual Report 2023
- Council Candidate Elections
- ISL Preview for Next Year
For preparation purposes, the annual report and candidate profiles are available on ManageBac here.
Regarding elections, there is 1 seat vacant immediately and 3 will become vacant as of June 14, 2024. There are 5 candidates for the positions. All candidates comply with paragraphs 10.2.-10.7. of the Articles. For the election, voters may select as many candidates from the list as desired. Each Member has the right to cast no more than 1 (one) vote for each candidate included in the list of the candidates. Candidates for whom more than ½ (one half) of the members present vote are elected to the Council. The candidate with the most votes will start their term immediately while the next 3 will commence their terms on June 14, 2024. If the remaining candidate receives more than ½ (one half) approval from voters, he/she will be placed on the Reserve list.
Next steps:
- Those members preferring to vote in advance may cast their votes electronically until 8:30 on March 20, 2024. Such voting can be done on by following a unique voting link, which will be sent to all Association Members to their email addresses, registered at ISL Managebac on March 15, 2024. If you do not receive this link, please check your SPAM folder or contact ISL.
The link will contain the login Information: (Voter ID and Voter Key) and you will be able to click the button “Click Here to Vote”, which will automatically log you in to the voting page with very easy steps to vote.
On the voting page you will find attached:
- ISL Annual Report 2023,
- ISL Council Candidate Profiles
You will be asked to vote: Approve, Not approve or Abstain from voting for each of the agenda items.
2) To attend the AGM on the day of the event, either online or in person, please register in advance here: Please provide your first and last name and your Association member’s email address (registered on ISL Managebac). Once your registration is approved you will receive an email confirming your registration and link to the meeting. Registration for both online or in person voting will be open from now until 8:30 on March 21, 2024.
! Please note that after 8:30 registration closes, therefore you will not be able to vote even if present !
Your unique link to the voting page will be sent to you during the meeting. This link will contain the login Information: (Voter ID and Voter Key) and you will be able to click the button “Click Here to Vote”, which will automatically log you in to the voting page with very easy steps to vote.
If you are not able to attend the AGM on March 21, please vote prior to the meeting. Representation of a member at an MGM on the basis of proxy is not allowed.
Please submit questions related to the content in advance to not later than by EOB (17:00) on March 19. Questions will be answered by EOB (17:00) on March 20, 2024 or at the meeting.
If you have any questions concerning the AGM please feel free to contact us at or by phone +371 67755146. For technical issues, please contact or call +37167811193.
To meet the meeting quorum requirements we must have at least 101 members (being > ⅓ of all members (303)) of the Association present at the meeting and/or voting in advance. Quorum will be counted on March 21 from 8:30 to 08:45 cross-referencing advance votes and participants in the meeting (either on Zoom or in the ISL Media Center).
It is the duty and responsibility of ALL MEMBERS of the Association “International School of Latvia” to either:
- be present at ISL Media Center or through online attendance; or
- vote prior to the meeting using the (you can still attend the meeting if you voted prior to the meeting).
Please as responsible and caring members, do your best to attend the meeting and/or vote in advance.
Chairman of the Board of the Association “International School of Latvia”
Director of the International School of Latvia
Ronelda Josephine Joyce Capadona