Option 1: ISL Diploma
A student may choose to pursue an ISL Diploma, completing ISL classes without registering for IB Course Exams. The ISL Diploma is well-recognized by many universities around the world. This would be most suited for a student with needs for more customized course options, (e.g. an online course that ISL does not offer, a course taught by a private tutor liaising with the school, or a modified course within the school).
For the ISL Diploma student, an Extended Essay is not required. Instead, a Grade 12 Project will be determined together with the student’s advisor and DP Coordinator and completed, preferably by December, but no later than May 1st of Grade 12. If the student chooses, CAS progress and TOK assessments will be sent to the IB. If the student chooses not to send the assessments to the IB, they will be assessed internally by the CAS Coordinator and the TOK teacher in order to meet ISL’s graduation requirements.
Option 2: ISL Diploma + IB Course Exams
In addition to being candidates for the ISL High School Diploma, students in Grade 11 taking IB courses may be considered IB Course candidates in the IB courses that they choose. This means that they may be registered for one or several Higher Level/Standard Level courses, based on which levels provide an appropriate balance of challenge and success. For example, a student may choose to do all their subjects at Standard Level. They will complete IB exams and IB assessments, and receive certificates and grades from the IB for each course completed. They do not need to be full IB Diploma candidates in order to receive these certificates.
In order for a student to continue in a course at Higher Level past the first semester, a student must earn at least a 4 in the subject for their Semester One grade. If a student receives a 3 or less in Semester One, the student must continue the subject at Standard Level.
This option is designed for the student that will be applying to university based on their ISL High School Diploma, but who desires certification and recognition that they have taken and completed a selection of IB courses and met the external requirements of the IBO.
Just as for the ISL Diploma student, an Extended Essay is not required. Instead, a Grade 12 Project will be determined together with the student’s advisor and DP Coordinator and completed, preferably by December, but no later than May 1st of Grade 12. If the student chooses, CAS progress and TOK assessments will be sent to the IB. If the student chooses not to send the assessments to the IB, they will be assessed internally by the CAS Coordinator and the TOK teacher in order to meet ISL’s graduation requirements.
IB Option 3: ISL Diploma + Full IB Diploma
If a student wishes to pursue the full IB Diploma, they will need to be registered for at least 3 Higher Level subjects out of their 6 subject choices. They will also need to meet IB requirements for the Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge and CAS. Qualified ISL students who would like to pursue the full IB Diploma are officially registered as full IB diploma candidates with the IBO in Semester One of their 12th grade year.
Requirements to Become a Registered Diploma Candidate
1. Students must have completed ⅔ of their CAS requirements by October 1st of their 12th grade year. All CAS progress and reflections must be correctly documented on ManageBac and approved by the CAS Coordinator.
2. Students must maintain semester grades of 4 or above in all of their HL courses and semester grades of 3 and above in their SL courses at the conclusion of their 11th grade year.
3. Students must meet all deadlines and requirements relating to the TOK course and the Extended Essay.
4. Students must not have any significant violations of the ISL Academic Honesty Agreement.