Admission policy

Warm welcome to the International School of Latvia and thank you for considering joining our community!

Applying for the current academic year – We accept applications on a rolling basis and they are considered at any time of the year. However, the school is near to full capacity, therefore we encourage you to complete the application process as soon as possible. 

Applying for the following academic year – We accept applications starting January of that calendar year, till the end of May the same year.

Age requirements

  • PreKindergarten 2 – student should be 2 years old on or before September 1st;*
  • PreKindergarten 3 – student should be 3 years old on or before September 1st;*
  • PresKindergarten 4 – student should be 4 years old on or before September 1st;*
  • Kindergarten – student should be 5 years old on or before September 1st;*
  • Grade 1– student should be 6 years old on or before September 1st.
  • Students who are 7 years old before September 1st, but have had no previous schooling would likely be placed in Grade 1 regardless of their age level.
  • Grades 2-12 – students are placed in the grade compatible with their age upon evidence of successful completion of the preceding grade.
  • Placement in Grades 6-12 is determined by evaluating a combination of the following: previous school records, teacher/counselor recommendations and information from parents.

Students usually are placed in the grade after the last one successfully completed, provided official school records are submitted with the application.

*At ISL, our Early Years Program (ages 2-6) nurtures curiosity, joy, and growth through play-based exploration. Teachers serve as facilitators, creating meaningful opportunities for children to develop skills in a supportive, engaging environment.
Classes are a combination of  2-year-olds,  3/4-year-olds,  or 4/5-year-olds. The admissions committee will review all applicants aged 3-5 and make the final placement based on student needs and abilities.

English Language Proficiency

For students in PreKindergarten, Kindergarten, and Grades 1 through 5, English proficiency is preferred but not required for admission.  Upon admission however, assessment of the student’s English language proficiency in Grades 1 through 5 will be completed, and an EAL (English as Additional Language) program prescribed as necessary.

Non-native English speaking students applying for Grades 6-12 may be asked to pass an English proficiency test. Upon admission, depending on the assessment results, a student may be required to enroll in the school’s EAL program until they demonstrate independent success in their content and language classes.

For entry into the IB Diploma program in Grade 11 students must demonstrate advanced proficiency in English (B2-C1).

Applicants with Special Needs

We currently support students who have mild-to-moderate disabilities. In order to determine if ISL can effectively support an applicant’s needs, parents/guardians of an applicant with special educational needs must submit complete reports from current teachers and external professionals, including the following:

  • Individualized Education Plans (ILPs/IEPs) or Student Overview (SO/504 Plans) no older than one year.
  • Complete Psychoeducational evaluations no older than three years for all students with active plans.
  • Two teachers and/or counselor reports detailing the extent of the student’s needs within the academic and/or social settings.

In the event that an applicant’s special learning needs are not disclosed or identified prior to, during or after the admissions process, the International School of Latvia reserves the right to re-evaluate the student acceptance status in order to determine the extent of the student’s needs and our capacity to address those needs. If the school determines that the student’s needs exceed our capacity and cannot effectively meet the student’s educational, social, and/or emotional needs, parents may be asked to withdraw their child.


International School of Latvia reserves the right to decline an applicant in cases where acceptance to the school would imply significant organizational difficulties or sufficient support cannot be provided.

Admission Committee decision

You will be notified of the school’s Admission Committee decision. If your child qualifies for admittance and space is available, you will receive an Enrollment Contract which, upon return, confirms your enrollment at ISL.

The applicant may be invited for an English language and/or a placement test (if applicable), as well as an onsite interview, if needed, at the request of the school. While we understand that it is not always possible for overseas families to arrange an admissions interview at the school, it is always preferable to do so. Please note that candidates are only considered if the application is fully completed; incomplete applications are not registered to the waiting list, or reviewed by the Admissions Committee. The Admissions Committee decisions are communicated to families by email when the review process is completed. Upon the Admissions Committee decision a child can be conditionally enrolled at ISL. Conditions, if applicable, will be stated in the letter of conditional enrollment.

Medical documentation

In addition, before your child can attend classes in person, the following forms must be submitted:

  • all ISL medical forms (on OpenApply online application or paper format);
  • a copy of the child’s immunization records. Please note that students must be vaccinated against Hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella. Students who are not vaccinated may risk not being selected for admission to the school;
  • any diagnostic assessments (e.g. neuropsychological or psychological assessments, IEPs, ILPs) for students who require additional support. Send as one file (pdf, zip file) and translated into English, if applicable;
  • a completed language form (generated in online application form; or, available below).

For safety reasons we cannot allow your child to attend classes until we have these documents.

Legal documentation

  • When you arrive at ISL a copy of residence permits (child’s and parents/guardians’) will be required.
  • In order to help your child make the transition to his/her new school we ask for at least three days’ notice in order to properly welcome your child.



Life at ISL

Life at ISL

Life at ISL

Life at ISL

Life at ISL

Life at ISL
