Applicants with Special Needs
We currently support students who have mild-to-moderate disabilities. In order to determine if ISL can effectively support an applicant’s needs, parents/guardians of an applicant with special educational needs must submit complete reports from current teachers and external professionals, including the following:
- Individualized Education Plans (ILPs/IEPs) or Student Overview (SO/504 Plans) no older than one year.
- Complete Psychoeducational evaluations no older than three years for all students with active plans.
- Two teachers and/or counselor reports detailing the extent of the student’s needs within the academic and/or social settings.
In the event that an applicant’s special learning needs are not disclosed or identified prior to, during or after the admissions process, the International School of Latvia reserves the right to re-evaluate the student acceptance status in order to determine the extent of the student’s needs and our capacity to address those needs. If the school determines that the student’s needs exceed our capacity and cannot effectively meet the student’s educational, social, and/or emotional needs, parents may be asked to withdraw their child.
International School of Latvia reserves the right to decline an applicant in cases where acceptance to the school would imply significant organizational difficulties or sufficient support cannot be provided.