DP Student Action

Grade 12 Summer CAS Fair
On August 27th our Grade 12 students shared the wonderful experiences they have had since we last saw them in person nearly 10 months ago. They each brought a curated gallery of reflective writing and evidence of the work they have been doing to meet their personal and collaborative goals in our ISL CAS programme. CAS, stands for Creativity, Activity and Service, and it is a core part of the IB Diploma.

Completing a series of CAS experiences and developing and delivering an impactful CAS project is a fundamental part of being an IB student, and a graduation requirement for all ISL students. CAS provides a unique opportunity for our students to put their knowledge and understanding gained in the classroom over the years into real-world action in their lives and their communities, both local and global.

This year our students experiences range from volunteer service with humane animal shelters here in Latvia and caring for and spending time with the elderly neighbors and relatives who have been isolated during the pandemic, to training for marathons and building athletic skills, to honing their talents and performance skills as artists, musicians, equestrians, and more.

The summer CAS fair is just one of many opportunities throughout the year in which students in our DP will have the opportunity to reflect and share their learning in rich and meaningful ways. As students set their goals, plan their actions, and track their growth towards learning objectives, they can see their progress in the CAS learning objectives:

  • Identify my own strengths and develop areas for my personal growth
  • Demonstrate that I have been undertaken challenges, developing new skills in the process
  • Demonstrate how I can initiate and plan an experience
  • Show commitment to and perseverance to my goals
  • Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
  • Demonstrate my engagement with issues of global significance
  • Recognize and consider the ethical implications of my choices and actions

In short, we are so proud of our G12 students and the work they are doing to become life-long learners, who can transfer what they learn in their classes about the world, themselves, and their communities into thoughtful action, and who see themselves as active agents of positive change.



Grade 12 Summer CAS Fair

Grade 12 Summer CAS Fair

Grade 12 Summer CAS Fair

Grade 12 Summer CAS Fair

Grade 12 Summer CAS Fair
